Stopping the monkey chatter and the benefits of listening
The best part of my job is doing interviews with industry experts – I love talking about media and through these conversations I learn a lot of other things about life in general. Similarly, when called upon to act as relationship counselor with friends, I learn, from listening to them, things about myself that aren’t immediately apparent to me.
For one thing, I have a lot of monkey chatter – these simian creatures hang from the branches in my brain and choral up whenever there is something to contemplate – and they chatter chatter chatter incessantly telling me what I’ve done wrong, could do wrong, did great, shouldn’t forget, don’t overlook, and what was the lesson I was supposed to have learned here, there, backwards and forwards, and let’s not forget the big one – BEWARE.
These monkeys get a free ride – enjoying a large amount of real estate in my head where I let them squat and squawk – shooo, monkeys, go sit in someone else’s brain – I am shouting right now – SHOOO – I’m too busy for your unproductive noise.
Monkey chatter cancels out my nirvana.