The truth about raising kids
There is increasing evidence that multitasking makes for chaos not better work.
Since WWII women have been flooding the workforce no longer content to be unappreciated as stay at home mothers. Yet today I caught up with a good friend who has built a very successful career in PR and she said the reality is that you can’t do both. She said when she tries to do both, everyone and thing suffers. So if this economy and this country wants to get back on its firm foundation again the thought might be given that having a child(ren) is a full time job so one parent works out of the house and one in. That would eliminate the big conundrum of how to employee all these people, would go a long way in solving teenage pregnancy, wayward youths, and low test scores. The problem is how do you do it?
Pity the single parent trying to raise a child and work and be all things to all people except themselves. But what about the fact that we have built an economy that makes it literally impossible for one parent to stay home for the 99%. Why not offer a substantial tax credit to those families who make the broad leap?
April 28th, 2012 at 10:52 am
Couldn’t agree with you and your friend more! But wait! Mitt wants mothers–even single ones with a two-year–to “have the dignity of work.” Humph I say.
April 28th, 2012 at 10:45 pm
I don’t listen to any one who has never had to raise a child themselves speak on this matter!