Carpe Diem
We’re back in the whirlwind of life regardless of our energy level – Tin was going down for his nap when his good friend’s mother text me that we had a once in a lifetime opportunity to get to the Navy base and see the Blue Angels for real – so up from his nap (who says we’re rigid) and dash across the river and there they were in all their glory – the real Blue Angels, and there we were snapping photo ops one after another.
My neighbor said when the text came in, there is only one answer Rachel, “YES!” I knew that if I didn’t get Tin up from the nap he just went down from that forever I would be plagued by “You could have taken me to the jets but you wanted me to sleep?” Especially in light of the fact that his good friend is more than likely going to be a Blue Angel pilot – he’s 4 and that’s what he wants to be so you have to buy into his passion despite the years between the vision and the reality.