A few words of gratitude

Aunt Deb who remembered Tin’s birthday

The “original” Gingerbread’s smooth jazzy voice and big heart

Tin’s love of stealing Mama’s Pirate’s Booty

Meaux Bar’s simply divine food and proprietors

Bayou St John and neighbors (and crawfish)

The ease in which lifetime friendships are formed here

Kitty Whiskers and Angel’s Trumpets planted by my friend and artist Marcela Singleton

A network of creatives who sustain me (thanks Anne) – The Louise Logs

2 Responses to “A few words of gratitude”

  1. anne flournoy Says:

    Oh Rachel!! What a surprise to see you here wearing your t-shirt!! I was already getting shivers just looking at your gratitude list, your beautiful Tin, your colorful rich life Now I’m crying at your sweet smile and your amazing acceptance. Thank you for making my day. For real.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Anne – for real is the best! R

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