Dance while you can
We went to a formal party the other night held in this beautiful hall across from Loyola and were celebrating friends birthdays – milestone ones – 50 and 60 – and well the theme was dance while you can. I was sitting, unaccustomed to high heels these days, I had been going since early morning and was flat out done before I showed up at the party. But nevertheless I enjoyed myself thoroughly. Everyone loved my hair – how often do we like to hear that? Well, I had to tell everyone it was NOT my hair, or rather it was a wig. They were stunned.
This morning, I took the dogs for a long walk and saw a friend of mine rounding the Magnolia Bridge and she looked at me with my bandana and bald head and said let me give you a hug. Her hair is lush and full and looked particularly gorgeous this morning, but I wasn’t envying, no I wasn’t. I was happy for the hug. And could use more of them.
Meanwhile, a dear friend called me this morning to tell me his child isn’t well, now that is something I don’t like to hear at all. And so again I have to take this moment to say I’m grateful for the health of my child and my partner and all of my loved ones.
I went in for some tests this morning, one being my annual mammogram and due to my bald head, people were giving up their seats, and unusually nice to me, and so I have to say, there is kindness in most people and sometimes it does take that they can look at you and think to themselves, “poor woman… ” and feel better about where they are in life.