The yoga movement in New Orleans is nascent, but in the last ten years, and in particular post Federal Flood, yogis have helped raise consciousness to a radically new level. One of my gurus, Michele Baker, has driven around the worst neighborhoods in this city (where crime happens frequently) with her guru, Sharon Gannon and both of them ommmmm’d. That’s right, they came to where healing was needed and they ommm’d to try to send healing vibes into the deep gashes that exist in this city.
I read recently about a few women who have a prayer group and what they do is drive through the worst parts of the city (where crime happens frequently) and they pray aloud for the people and souls in the area in order to help it heal and to hopefully stop the violence.
Today, as we were in the backyard of one of Tin’s schoolmates, at a birthday party, I heard a marching band and so Tin and I and the rest of the kids went running to the front of the house to see who and what. It turns out it was a second line prompted by Silence is Violence that was marching for a community picnic aimed at raising the awareness of young people about the violence in this city. We went to the corner to enjoy the spectacle, but I couldn’t help but think of Pervella’s video that I posted earlier where she says, what happened when we just threw rocks?
So if yoga is helping to raise the consciousness of people, and those who pray are taking it to the streets that need it the most, and Silence is Violence continues to march for peace, maybe, just maybe, things will shift around here.