Why I live in the Gulf South (reason #14506956894)
Some people don’t understand why people live in the path of a hurricane. They don’t understand how we deal with all the crime (we don’t). They don’t understand why there’s no place to shop, horrific schools, and people eat a diet that would make John Belushi flinch.
But today is why we live here. It is January 15th and it was a picture perfect picnic day where in a sleeveless sundress, we took over the picnic table by the playground and had a most wonderful day.
I had spent the morning trying to recover 1500 contacts from my database that syncing MAC’s Address Book to Outlook’s Contacts to my iPhone had created. A most stupid thing. It goes on all the time. I was able to get all but 500 contacts back. 500 – who are those people? Will we ever speak again? So I declared this day anti-technology day and went outside.
We threw the football, we tackled, we ate, we talked.
And best of all, Tin got some boy time in with Evan.