Old man winter
We have had the luxury of an extended summer into a warmish fall here in New Orleans. Up until Jan 2nd we’ve been running around in tee shirts and enjoying the great outdoors. That changed.
This morning, decked out in polar fleece, monkey hat (I borrowed T’s) and the whole ensemble for winter, I walked the dogs and felt the ice crunching under my shoes along the bayou. Looking around the front yards of my neighbors you could see the plant schizophrenia that occurs down here as daisies were blooming where bib lettuce was frosted over. I passed a neighbor’s house that had a pile of sea shells and driftwood, remnants from a recent beach trip it seems, which again was odd given the morning’s frost.
As I crossed the Walker Parker Memorial Bridge, I saw that someone had hung a silver crescent moon on the rail, our moniker, the Crescent City, and I was filled with the warmth that occurs when someone has a place to call home.
Make mine a crescent moon…
January 5th, 2012 at 11:11 am
I don’t know what it is, but I love Tom Waits. My fav is Frank’s Story–about the grave and the cold cold ground. Then of course there’s Alice. How could I resist?
January 5th, 2012 at 11:27 am
How could you!
January 13th, 2012 at 5:08 am
sailor moon…
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