Fear is raef spelled backwards

I’m simply amazed at how fear grabs people and throws them down on the ground and occasionally takes a few unnecessary kicks. People, listen up, our job is to silence the gremlins, to keep them at bay, and to take a deep breath and forge ahead.

Consider yourself a GREMLIN SLAYER.

Then again most of us grow very weary after battling the gremlins, especially on days when they have taken you into the street, down on the curb, and have raised a foot aimed right at your face. But carry on we must.

If you don’t slay your imaginary gremlins, who is going to do it for you? No one can see them, silly.

Shakespeare talked about life as we are all actors fretting and strutting across the stage, let’s update this point of view, imagine you are a video game and those gremlins are dropping out of the sky, jumping from behind bushes, popping up out of manholes, now you – READY, AIM, FIRE!

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