The Pragmatist
Someone close to me once said that I have had so many leavings in my life that they have become second nature to me. Yes, I do take leave of a situation that is no longer viable, but I don’t do it so easily and certainly I do not wear the “taking leave of ___” as second skin, except maybe the taking leave of my senses, which occasionally I have been doubly guilty of. Yet, what is a person supposed to do, continue to be stuck, continue the rut, continue to believe that staying is better than leaving because. Just because?
A long time ago, I was at a crossroads in my life and I went on a Vision Quest much like the Peruvian youth who belong to the reciprocity tribe. And my quest brought me to Joseph Campbell and through him I learned that following my bliss was more than an ideal to be entertained, it was a way of life. Before we separated, Steve gave me a metal brick that says Every wall is a door, and that is more my motto than let me get my purse. So right now, at a crossroads in my life, I’m weighing my options and reading Joseph Campbell again.
Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
Joseph Campbell