Reciprocity makes the world go round
Money Reciprocity Makes the World Go Round
Yoga practice was all centered on a reciprocity theme today because Michele had just come back from Peru where she met this tribe of people who have no currency instead all transactions are done via reciprocity. Everyone offers up their talent and for example, once a child becomes an adult, they have to claim their talent or go on a vision quest to find what it is that they could uniquely contribute to the tribe. Since I’m always hearing how the internet is denigrated for creating a culture of free, and I’m very supportive of this culture of free, my ears perked up.
Just last night over dinner, I was speaking to a long-time source of mine and his wife about how their children, in their twenties, are the limbo generation – kids without careers or prospects for one. Well they do have jobs, just like in article that was in the New York Times about graduates finding two part-time jobs but not careers. Careers – blech – who wants a career, I ask you? One of the youths interviewed said she took two part-time jobs because she could not find a position in her field, but it was fine because she actually had time for other things she wanted to pursue in her life. Careers are the types of endeavors that blot out everything else you want to do, where as part-time jobs, well they are less critical and more flexible for personal time.
I had asked a friend to donate her time for a silent auction we are holding for the bridge project I’m working on and she said it seemed like lately she was doing nothing but bartering. I said and what is wrong with that? She said nothing, as a matter of fact her friend in L.A. had started a time bank that now has 250 members and it is actually flourishing. She said a woman is coming here next week to talk about starting our own time bank here in New Orleans. I LOVE the idea. We have KEVA partnering with our city and now a Time Bank. How avant garde can we be?