Svaha! Kapara!

The weekend respite was good for me, but I came back to the stress ball that I can’t seem to extricate from my throat. I formulated a plan for work that at least gave me some satisfaction and now am ready to execute. My horoscope today was perfect for this part of my life:

July 12, 2011

  1. TaurusTaurus (4/20-5/20)

    Things are improving in your work or school life, in part because you are taking a bigger initiative and letting your curiosity lead you into new directions. You’re not taking no for an answer, nor should you. In conversations today, soak up the empty spaces with more questions — five minutes of inquisition can uncover a lifetime of new directions to explore. The outdoors will hold a strong appeal for you — the dramatic weather serves to relax your mind and invigorate your energy.

Then I went to yoga where the word of the day was svaha (pronounced swaha) which basically means so be it, move on, which I am so down with and from now on that is going to be my word up – Svaha!

It reminds me of a word my father used to say a lot which is kapara, which is a Hebrew word used mainly by Sephardics to say throw it back to the universe. It is also a pet name for a loved one, a good person, much like canikom is used in Turkish, so kapara is used in Israeli slang. But my father used it with only one meaning, when you are licking your ice cream and it slides off the cone and hits the floor – kapara. Or in my urban dictionary, whatyagonnado?

The reason why all of these things are coming together under one roof is that my anxiety level is through the roof and I called a halt to all work being done on the LaLa – the porch will not be water proofed, it will just get a coat of paint, the skin on the back addition will not be replaced with hardee board it will just have its holes patched and painted, the termites will be treated but we won’t get the several thousand dollar contract. And as far as anything else this house needs – well, get in line sucker is all I have to say.

It’s Rachel time.

One Response to “Svaha! Kapara!”

  1. The Way of the Cross or Whatyagonnado? | Says:

    […] know I said the words once, twice, and three, and four times, and even here […]

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