Loosening up the noose

Isn’t it odd that yesterday on the anniversary of this country’s freedom from its oppressor, I was feeling more trapped than ever? How strange. I went to yoga and guess what the message was – freedom – how coincidental, not. Freedom is the right to change our mind even about something we have decided on and yesterday when we were going over all our options here at the LaLa that ranged from all three of us living in my office while we rented out the house to selling the house (not our favorite and the one that depressed us the most), I just kept thinking wtf? When did owning a house become a noose around my neck? In other words, how did I get here and how do I get out?

I was speaking to someone who grew up in this area and he said the old timers wonder how long us newcomers will stay or are we just a passing trend like the Californians who moved to Portland and Seattle during the dot.com explosion. I guess my lack of freedom yesterday came from not knowing whether I should cling or release – which is healthier in the long run?

Today, I was able to get into chaturanga with relative ease (how’s that? this was impossible last year) and I still struggled with crow albeit I’m much better than I was and side crow, well that is still a work in progress. But isn’t it most likely that tomorrow is completely unknown and there is a good chance one day I will be sitting on the front porch – now wrapped as the fungus and mold are being treated and pieces of wood rotted are being ripped out and replaced – and feel a great whoosh isn’t it great to be alive and on the bayou feeling? Women grow old on this bayou – 105 years old the oldest I know of personally.

I’m momentarily back on the horse, in a need of a getaway which is coming soon, and able to admit that perhaps I don’t know everything and just maybe the best is yet to come.

July 05, 2011

  1. TaurusTaurusĀ (4/20-5/20)


    You’re entering a new phase of maturity right now, and that means you’ll be making much more difficult decisions — but you’ll also be feeling a greater sense of freedom than ever before. People have been looking to you as a source for wisdom lately, and you’ve helped some of the folks you love most find a new sense of fulfillment in life. You have a lot to be celebrating right now, so make sure you party in style. Call up the people who are the most special to you and get together to have fun.


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