The truth
I’ve been getting calls from concerned people wondering how we are doing here in New Orleans. And we’re fine albeit those barges look like they are eye level when they float by because the river is so high. One hotel in the wake of the river had this on their website in Memphis:
As we are sure you have heard of the rising Mississippi river waters in relation to Memphis and possibly some mis-information, we wanted to provide the following facts regarding the situation.
• The Mississippi River is expected to crest on Tuesday, May 10th, 2011.
• Memphis is known as the Bluff City for a reason. We were founded on the Fourth Chickasaw Bluff, high above the Mississippi River. The original city, now known as the Downtown Core, is the highest elevation along the Mississippi River from Cairo to Natchez. The elevation of Front Street at Union is about 78 feet on the Memphis gauge, or about 30 feet higher than the water is expected to rise.
• Only one Memphis tourist attraction has been affected by the high water. Mud Island River Park is temporarily closed due to the lack of access for road traffic and emergency vehicles.
• All other businesses on Mud Island, Paulette’s, Tug’s and Miss Cordelia’s are open.
• No Memphis hotels have been affected by the rising water levels.
• Memphis International Airport has not been affected by the river in any way.