Yesterday the Bean collapsed after a light round of ball playing on the bayou sending me into a funk of all funks. Then to K’s to demo the house but ripping out the insulation affected me so bad I had trouble staying in the house and kept having to go out for air. Then calls about the house from B and subs needing checks and brother B acting retarded and lo and behold as I sat by Blue trying to stop the burning fiberglass itch I spotted a msg from earlier indicating I had missed something and then later calls came in succession that neatly segmented into I might, I will, I’ll try, I can’t.
A vet appt later revealed nothing but that the Bean is fine and blood work would determine if something like a stroke had happened.
Today no stroke, no seizure, a fluke – blood work fine. So the Bean is on bedrest for 10 days. But when I woke this morning I did not know that and I woke in a funk – even after having had a lovely evening at dinner for my mom’s 70th birthday – then I drove over to the LaLa to do a walk through with the electrician and S, only to discover that S had brought a squeeze with him – do tell? – kind of like huh? Nice enough, kept saying she was jealous of my tub, but really what goes on?
Then to get poboys for the demo crew and another missed msg shows up from earlier in the day – and a call comes in to see how I am doing, how the Bean is doing – uh let’s try to think about that one – how should I be doing under the circumstances? But instead, the reply is fine, just fine I am.
A long run on the bayou set me straight – I love when my body runs on its own volition, it just knows how – and the weather is so outstanding right now – glorious and calling us outdoors on December 29th for goodness sakes. And others think we suffer here.
Tonight it is another round of socializing, then tomorrow night it’s my night to entertain, then New Year’s eve party and bonfire, then pretty soon it’s back to work in earnest – but the best news I received all day was that Cox will have the internet at the Can up by end of next week and that Mom is only a few more steps away from getting in the Can – and so hopefully 2006 will begin ameliorating the struggle of Katrina.
Firecrackers exploding out my window as I write – the bright star that I seek out every night is right where it always is – and I am left to study a virtue I don’t possess naturally – patience.