It makes me dizzy

Tin’s absolute, hands-down number one request is Salt Peanuts – yes Dizzy has passed the Holy Trinity of Evan Christopher, Louis Armstrong, and Trombone Shorty to reach #1 in the pantheon. Yesterday, when we were listening to the Hot 8 Brass Band and Tin was getting down on his trumpet, then trombone and drums, a woman gave Tin a hologram of Dizzy Gillespie unaware of the Salt Peanuts addiction. She said, “I have your son on video and I’m keeping it for when he is on the stage in a few years.”

I still crack up that Tin might very well decided to sell insurance, but for now, it’s fun to see his persistence in following this path that he chose from the get go. The first thing his great aunt said to me is, “He loves country music.”

But he had never heard New Orleans music….

2 Responses to “It makes me dizzy”

  1. me Says:

    happy birthday babe!

  2. Rachel Says:

    hey you too Taur babe

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