Eternal happiness
My friend curated a show at the Fair Grinds Coffeehouse called Bayou St. John: Portrait of a Neighborhood, it was the third in a series she has done starting with Your Mama N Dem and Gluttony. The artists so generously donated proceeds from their sales to the ReBridge effort and one artist in particular gave 100% of the proceeds to ReBridge. So I bought it. Well not just for that reason but because I loved that these two women spent the time looking for things found in and around the bayou and built a terrarium out of it. The title of the piece is A Lifetime of Happiness Lies Ahead of You. It is still on display there until August 1.
Since I got an earful from a few gal-pals today about men and all the ways they make us crazy, and my response to each was to acknowledge it and let it go, you’d think that I was channeling some of this lifetime happiness wisdom and yet all of this sage advice comes from someone who was in the fetal position last night as my email once again went kaput and no longer feeds through my Blackberry – I’m so over consumer electronics I could spit – and then this morning I missed yoga as I had to be on the phone with not one but three techs who couldn’t help me and have not heard one peep from Laughing Squid the company who hosts my site and every time I logged onto their site to register a complaint I was greeted with a big large sign on the right that says VOTE FOR LAUGHING SQUID which made me want to pummel my screen.
So last night when we were watching Due Date with Zack Galifianakis and Robert Downy Jr, and Tatjana kept referring to Downy’s character as the asshole because he reacts and explodes over Galifianakis’s inanity, but Downy was the one I was totally relating to, so I thought to myself as I almost pummeled the screen when visiting Laughing Squid’s site for the umpteenth time today that maybe I’m an asshole and so who the hell am I to give advice on how to achieve happiness or at the very least equilibrium when it comes to the rules of engagement of men and women?
Which brings me to why I bought the terrarium to begin with, isn’t there something serene and optimistic about two women who collected objets de art from the bayou and created this art piece for an art show to then give away any monetary gain back to the bayou bridges – now that is so Lion King.