Leap of Faith
Communication in this modern life is fraught with misinterpretation of tone and meaning – I need consumer electronic therapy to find neutral and not react – listen, ask questions, gather information then make assessment instead of walking off the planet first and having to be talked back down. But good that there is someone listening and not running away from the heavy.
Lunch with D – 64 and a stone fox – she just looked at me and said, well I don’t know what to say. Got to love that because everyone else seems to have so much to say. A missive from C with a character assassination(s), loving note from L sending love to all of us that tomorrow is a better day, and another note from another L saying hang on, it will be all right. This is when you call in all your loved ones chits and the response has been enormously positive that there is a huge safety net out there to catch you when you stumble, fall, soar.
L’s email asked how LaLa house got its name and my response, “Wade.” Natch.
Took L to get tree this morning and couldn’t find a stand because they are all sold out. He boldly said I’ll just build one then on arriving home had a crisis of conscious – “What Zsa Zsa build his own stand?” – I’ll make sure it is propped in a corner so the walls can catch it before it falls.
The end of the year is rapidly approaching. Today S and I meet to discuss business and the dissolution of business. Meanwhile ice cream for W on the chance I might see him soon melts in Big Blue as I run to a conf call from lunch.
There is not a menorah candle to be had in all of New Orleans. But plenty of red and green M&Ms.
This morning around the bayou, I snapped at L because he wasn’t listening to me. Made me think of W when he snaps and says you are not listening to me and then I tell him I am listening but am still confused by what he is trying to tell me. Or realize I have missed some key point that was something I just should have known. L took it well and apologized, said he was goading me anyway. My response, “You were?”
Dreamt last night of nordic creatures.
December 20th, 2005 at 2:03 pm
Can’t help myself but to shelf an opinion. M asked me not to… but… I suppose I am as stubborn as she is… in the end she will understand.
Suppose I am a man of few emotional words… but not without emotions… chalk it up to my Puritanesque upbringing. So without delay I opine…
Though I think modern communications are a splendid thing… not in this type of forum. As a bit of unhurtful advice I would urge you to discontinue your personal discourse in this public forum. As a bystander I wouldn’t pretend to know the inner workings of any of the goings on between mature adults in this situation… but… having a daughter of my own… I couldn’t imagine how hurtful the whole situation must be for a mother… and in the future for her children.
I can’t blame S & N for not wanting to read the blog…. it turns my stomach to read it myself… less the content then the fact that it has been aired in this forum. Some things remain more appropriate in private. That is all.
There are three people I can think of that have had no choice in the whole situation and who are aired without anonymity. My love is with them.
Though, I am by default woven into this peripherally… I have tried to refrain from judgement and passing on anything damaging or hurtful… and I offer help in whatever way that I can to my loved ones and family in this difficult and awkward time. The future only knows what damage todays words might do…
There is a whole lotta selfishness oozing from the fact that this is aired in a public forum like this… without regard for all the lives affected… for this I am saddened that you cannot see the ripples from the big stone you’ve cast… to me it says a lot. Makes me wonder if this blog is about writing or theatre. As for the scarlet letter… no one but you decided to wear it in public… and anyone who doesn’t know what to say…. most likely has nothing nice to say.
I would hope that this e-mail is shared with no one… in or outside of the blog… but I can’t quite trust its final destination… you are welcome to respond directly if you feel compelled.
To those that may end up reading this… oh well… this is a public forum… not because I chose it to be… but I am hoping that it will be kept more private from this point on. Like todays posting your words say it all…”Communication in this modern life is fraught with misinterpretation of tone and meaning…” some advice from yourself to keep your thoughts in a journal… and please keep the kids out of the communique… as a bystander and a parent its a bit frightening.
Some things remain more appropriate in private. That is all.