News from California
A friend from California who lives here is out west and sent me a text that it feels like home there and that although she loves it here, she misses there. Oh boy. What to do when your heart is one place and your feet another? Been there, done that.
But today I ran out to the bank real quick like and as I waited at the stoplight for the guy on the unicycle to pass by, I looked over at the electrical box on the corner of Orleans and Moss that has the mermaid and the gal sayings all over it such as “what if god sent his only daughter?” and then I drove up to the ATM thinking about this money box that spits out money and remembering the days when there was no money to spit out – dollar bills were priceless.
Later, I saw a sign that said, LOST UNICORN, last seen in Marky Park, $500 reward and I think it said call Carlos. Anyway, I was thinking about that missive from the west coast and I thought I remembered reading about the potential superstorms that would inundate California worse than an earthquake.
I wondered if the Gold Coast was underwater if the federal government would respond differently than they did when the Gulf Coast was underwater and I wondered how the images of Asian and Hispanic faces disoriented, dislocated would sit with the American people who still cannot get over seeing so many black faces disoriented and dislocated in 2005 – the American people probably saw more blacks in one place on television outside of National Geographic episodes on Africa when Katrina was the news. Who knew there were this many blacks in the U.S.? Wait till you see how many Hispanics and Asians are in California – Lord Today.
If you click your heels together and say there is no place like home – do you get to go home? What about all the people who really don’t know where home is to begin with or anymore?