Do You Feel Lucky?
The USAA appointed apprasier came by at 7:30 this morning and right off the bat she dropped a bomb on me – a familiar one – she said because the addition was not “connected” to the main house it could not be counted in the total square footage [we went through this in San Rafael when we finished the bottom of the house and because you had to go down a flight of stairs that was outside it was not considered part of the house] – the appraisal has to come in on the high end because of the refi and needless to say in post-Katrina and post-housing bubble times, it has my nerves wracked. But turns out the appraiser is a red head, 51 yrs old, who divorced her husband Steve a year ago – and she gave me her card to go out partying with her – I told her I’d call, we go get wild, cause I feel lucky!