Trapped like Rodentia
I was on my way out to Pilates today when things started popping around the LaLa and I was trapped here all day up until locking myself out and having to wait for my new dog sitter to come back over with the keys. It’s now 9:39 – I didn’t get anything hardly done that was supposed to get done today but other stuff got done. Now utterly exhausted, I cried uncle when I was dragging the last bits out of the Can and cleaning the floor for the appraiser who is showing up at 7:30AM as I am getting ready to head out to Las Vegas.
It is days such as these where I wonder if chasing my tail is going to color the rest of my life. I am overproductive. And therefore, never feel as if all that needs to be done is getting done, while so much is being done, and I just wonder how the rest of the world gets on about their daily life without suffering mini freak outs and never a sense of closure on hardly anything at all.
It makes you reconsider what the day should be – maybe if we just said here is the “to do” list and that it is fluid and sometimes it expands and sometimes it contracts and that finishing is never the goal.
So when I get that swimming through jello feeling that I am so want to have I need to remind myself that this too shall pass and today it is strawberry jello but tomorrow it could be mango – so keep your tongue out and lick lick lick as you make your way through each colorful day.