Finally, a name for my disorder – TMA – too much activity. I was reading about how to ease anxiety and a recent study found that those who worked overtime were more likely to be anxious and depressed. People with anxiety typified by tension, worry, and high drive often develop nonstop lifestyle they feel is impossible to change. Such people get a lot done, but overactivity leads to exhaustion and more anxiety. Go figure.

I was thinking about this in yoga because I was telling Libby the Wednesday meditations have been helping and how I had been speaking to a dear friend of mine with the same issues and how that friend is running all the time and I’m trying to get her to do yoga because I spent decades directing all my energy out and yoga and meditation are about recouping that energy. TMA – a diagnosis! Ha.

To control TMA the answer isn’t to reduce activity but instead your better off redirecting energy to bring more balance in your life. They suggest you make a prioritized to-do list for unexpected “free” time, as high-drive people may fear using it incorrectly and become paralyzed with indecision (good god are they stalking me and recording my inner thoughts?). Keeping track of your activity in 15 minute increments can also help you better align your values with how you actually want to spend your time.

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