No matter what Saturdays are errand days
My neighbor is holding the annual Bayou Blunderbus and well, we are just missing the whole thing because they are dressing up like Pilgrims and Indians and floating down the bayou and winding up in front of our house with a roaring fire and lots of food. But we have things to do. For one thing, after not being on Tin’s schedule for Thanksgiving we are back to strict schedule observance and so while they are trotting down the bayou about to put their canoes in, we’re just getting back from a romp in the park and then a snack and then some play and then some lunch – so much for adult romping.
Next is the canoes which arrived complete with teepees attached and the libations and laughter, but again, it’s lunch time so we are looking out the window at the festivities and making sure Tin eats all his tamales and zucchini.
The plants are getting watered, the windows being cleaned, the house vacuumed, laundry is being done, errands are being run, a child is being raised, and outside the adults continue to act like it is the end of the world and carry on in such a way as to make a couple who looked to be tourists stop and take photographs of the revelry.
The fire is still burning and Tin is up from his nap eating his jambalaya and broccoli and pears. Happy as a clam, completely oblivious to the more pronounced laughter, and the glowing red of the fire embers, and the fact that these adults have been walloping up a good time since mid morning.