Presto! Wala! Ipso Facto! Bless You!
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014If you stop and notice you see how things fall apart but also how things come together. I keep having these ah ha moments where I’m looking for a long straw to fit my water glass and then all of a sudden I open a drawer and see an old plastic container I never use and lo and behold there is the long straw. Presto!
On Monday, I hit my head not once but three times and the reason that this is disconcerting is not just because it hurt (badly) but it also leaves marks on my blank slate of a canvas head and that hurts worse. But one of those times I had grabbed my grocery list and gone to the grocery and then couldn’t find the list, so I went back out to the truck and searched all around and couldn’t find it and clunk I hit my head. I had to close the door so that I could scream swear words without calling attention to myself. Then I pulled myself together and started walking in the grocery and there, skittering around the wheels of a bike hooked to the bike rack was my familiar handwriting on a piece of paper. Wala!
I need to have my heater fixed and it is expensive, but I can’t go another winter like this last one. In the meantime, a friend needed a place to live for fall semester and so I’ve taken on a boarder. His rent pays for my heater repair. Ipso Facto!
We changed Tin’s carseat to booster chairs and I posted a note on FB to give the full carseats away but no takers, and then I was driving home and an extended Hispanic family was sitting on their stoop with two infants and I stopped asked if they wanted them – “Bless you” – the only English they could speak.
Last night, a friend was talking about how much he hates reading blogs that read like diary entries. Just Hates Them. I said everything except that’s the kind of blog I write, but nothing would assuage his loathing for my kind of blog writing. He said that writing raw was not good. That you should write and then edit later. I said I write and edit at the same time and what had brought this all up is that I had read if you have insomnia and a piece of writing is turning inside your head causing you to get up in the middle of the night that you should just go with it and get up and write. And my experience has been when something is eating at me that way and I get up and write it, readers respond to those posts the most. My friend detests raw and unedited.
I’m writing this to tell you that there are many types of blogs you could be reading right now but this one is often times aimless, themeless, unedited and as my friend categorized it recently, raw. Whatyagonnado?