I’m reading a book a friend from Tin’s school recommended called Simplicity Parenting. The good thing is that it is falling pretty much in line with the Simplicity Being that I’ve been working on in my Plan B. The simple truth being that I am wresting myself from the place of being that has had me in chains for the last 16 plus years.
We all know the drill only too well. We arrive at a place in our 40s that feels comfortable and then we stay there out of fear and out of complacency. We experience joy in flashes, but no longer when we hear a song like One Love from Bob Marley, do we want to throw our hands up and dance in ecstasy.
It’s easy to forget that we are the directors and writers of our own narrative, blink and if you see a framework, you might soon inhabit it, so don’t think you are not the creator. I blinked many times and saw the life I am living now, but to get here I had to shed the scales from my eyes, which I also let grow.
Simplicity parenting is about decluttering life to get it down to the essentials of a parent and a child being in harmony. Simplicity being is very similar. It’s about decluttering your life. If you find yourself overwhelmed; stretched too thin and stressed out by the effects of having too much stuff, too many choices, and jumping through the days too fast … simplification gives you the ease to realign with your true self, your real age, and with your own world rather than the stress and pressures of someone else’s world (paraphrased from Simplicity Parenting).
It’s easy to look at these words and say, oh yes, that is what I need, but to take the important steps to get there is not as easy as it may sound. A friend had suggested I try a little Ram Dass who was one of the gurus that helped me towards this path. I’ll never forget what Dass said that when you start moving towards this state of enlightenment you will start losing friends and people around you unless they too are evolving towards the same life path.
Today – as usual – Yahoo’s horoscope provides me with my daily mantra:
February 20, 2012
Taurus (4/20-5/20)
Don’t be too surprised if you feel a little bit weird or out of place amongst the people you’ll be with today. It is only natural for you to feel like a fish out of water during such a transitional time in your life. It’s normal to have a heightened sense of how different you are from the people around you, right now. Just take your time, and go at your own pace. Soon enough, you will start to feel more like yourself. You’ll grow more comfortable in your own skin.