Archive for March, 2011

Greetings from the sky

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

The birds are going crazy with their songs – I counted five different melodies this morning. Six mallards were running across the meadow in City Park this morning with one female in tow – hmmm. Yellow, purple and white irises are blooming along the banks of the lagoon. The fishing rodeo is not too far away and yet the lagoon has been low and sluggy the last few weeks, how ya gonna fish?

I’m listening to a call and response between two different birds with distinct chirps as I type – one sounds like a mechanical whine and the other a twirp twirp. Ah spring time, how I love ya, how I love ya.

And now nightfall

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

rose and pale grey light on the bayou, wednesday done, lists begun, deeds done, dogs fed, cat’s claws trimmed, child in crib, fedex return package for dead printer by door to go tomorrow – a nice breeze blowing – now may I read my book?

I see blue

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

I saw a black butterfly with blue tips fly by outside and then a blue feather floated down from the sky.

Forget what I said

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

I’m not lazy – I’m psycho. I have done more things today than a human being oughta. Ridiculous.

Change happens

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

Amazing! After more than 150,000 petition signatures from members and saturation media coverage, news outlets worldwide are reporting that Apple has pulled an iPhone application launched by Exodus International that claimed to help “cure” gay and lesbian people.


Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

I am here to report that I love a good laugh. As a matter of fact if I get one good laugh a day, I’m good as gold. So when I first watched The Louise Logs, I was tickled pink and then when Ann Flournoy recommended Ann’s Rants, I was overjoyed, then today Ann recommended Stephanie’s LiketheVodka and now I’m giddy. Boys and girls, there are people who blog some erudite and effulgent stuff and I applaud them because I have erudition once every 500 posts (perhaps), and then there are people who make you laugh and that is rare. Give yourself a laugh a day:

Louise Logs: How to interview babysitters

Ann’s Rants:

Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish new year, begins on Wednesday evening. Meaning, Jews everywhere get to hear their Rabbi’s nthteen interpretation of the biblical passage retelling The Binding of Isaac. Do you suddenly feel very excited to hear mine?

Like the Vodka:

My husband’s hemorrhoid strategy avoids over-the-counter “solutions” because he knows they’re part of a capitalist conspiracy to separate honest working people from their rubles. Besides, why reach for drugs when Mother Earth’s bounty is there for the taking?

I ask the Russian how he deals with hemorrhoids, since Preparation H apparently is not an option.

THE RUSSIAN:  Icicles, of course.

ME: Oh? You have my attention.

I lied

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

No time for meditation as usual the day, the hours, the minutes, the seconds FLY.

Rambling, I’ve got Rambling

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

My mind is like a pressure cooker just waiting to explode that is why it needs lots of meditation, lots of alone time, lots of unfrenzied external stimulus. I’ve always been the sort of person who could go crazy all by myself with only a pencil in my hand. I’m finding that unquietness alarming sometimes when I listen to the dialogue in my head from a distance (hard to do). Last night I dreamt that I was confessing something, it wasn’t anything that I haven’t already confessed but here’s the deal – it’s no secret that I think I don’t do enough and so I was confessing that I’ve been lazy – WTF? (that’s not cursing is it, when you use the acronym?).

Yes, I was confessing to being a lazy lout in my dreams and then I woke to end up berating myself for being so hard on myself and wondering if there was anyone I could speak with who could really tell me once and for all if indeed I am a lazy lout but who to trust. Do you see how things go on?

Yet yesterday I did not go to yoga or meditation because I went to the neighborhood association meeting about the recent burglaries in the hood. So I started thinking that I am not doing what I want to do but doing what I feel I should be doing and then I get totally mired in the details asking myself what it is I should be doing and why is it I can’t just honor whatever it is and then the irrigation wasn’t working and I thought if I have one more thing to do I will explode!

So here we are on Wednesday – hump day – and I have gotten myself entwined with this Bridge project, I have had to jump in on a work project that I thought was being handled by someone else, I have had to call the irrigation man just so I can spend yet some more money on maintenance of this house, I got sucked back into the old feelings of guilt over an affair I had and my divorce as I was empathizing with a friend who is going through the same, I have not been able to get one word read in my new Mitchell novel in two days, I’ve not seen a film or live music to offer me a grand escape, and I missed yoga yesterday and meditation and someone nominated me to be on the Neighborhood Association board and I had to say no in front of everyone even though I’m a yes person.

This is a heavy load. So right now I’m going to meditate before my next step and I’m going to make sure that between work, Tin’s doctor appt, my doctor’s appt, and the rest of it all that I take a moment to quiet the rambling in my mind.

Leaf blower

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

I’m sitting up here in my office trying to work and the leaf blower is doing a surround sound number on my head that makes me want to take a bucket of hot water and throw it on him because I have all these calls to make but can’t because of the noise. Not my leaf blower mind you but my neighbors on all sides!

Elizabeth Taylor RIP

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

The violet eyed siren of all sirens has died. What incomparable beauty! She and my mom are probably dressing up in their kitten heels and feathers and having a grand old time (cocktails in hand).