I opted to put my feet up and order room service and rent a movie – Where the Wild Things Are – what is it with these tear jerker grown up kid movies like Up and now this one? Both made me so melancholy and I’m just wondering what audience they are written for because they both are so dark for kids.
i was talking to someone today who said that he told his 12 year old that he could go on Facebook only if he could be a friend. Now he said, all of his son’s friends are trying to friend him. Then was speaking to someone else about little boys and their anger. I was thinking of how you channel that into something positive. Sports, music, writing? We don’t know because we still don’t know who Tin is going to become.
How to be a good parent and help him develop unlike the way I developed like some crazed heathen gone wild.
I wrote a letter to my brother on the hotel stationary. Then I ate my dinner at the table by the window. Aftewards, I watched the movie and they came to turn down my bed and brought three miniature cookies. I was suddenly seized with a sense of anxiety – maybe it was the boy running away from home after I was just speaking with a friend about how many times I used to run away. She too had slept at a gas station in a car like me. But unlike me she called home and said she was all right even if she wasn’t coming home.
My poor parents. The shit that we kids, all six of us, put them through is mind numbing. Cigarettes, alcohol, pot, sex, running away, parties in the house, broken bones, wrecked cars. Good golly Ms. Molly I hope I’m not staring down the long tunnel of karma. My dear mother, when I think of some of my antics I can’t fathom how she survived and those are only the antics I can remember. Good grief.
Now this wild thing is holed up in her hotel room rather than tripping the light fantastic – here I am, the adult, able to do whatever I please tonight, and I opted to stay in, watch a PG movie, eat a club sandwich and contemplate my navel. Gadzooks I don’t even know who I’ve become much less who Tin will become.