Archive for February, 2010

Everything spins into a tight ball

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Apparently from those that say they know the world is spinning round, spinning down into a funnel from where we started at the top when it was a wider mouth and the rotations was barely discernible now the funnel is getting narrower and events are spinning faster. Heady stuff. It’s spinning so fast some of us can’t keep up and we keep thinking it is because we’ve aged, it’s unique to our lives, but after multiple prominent deaths, huge natural catastrophes, singular changes to the left and right, I’m starting to wonder if these people who are prognosticators are on to something, something big?

I kept asking the question in this discussion with these cognoscenti, what is the exact date of the Mayan calendar or when does the age of aquarius begin again when all of this spinning is supposed to grind to a halt somewhere in 2012 and next question, what happens after? “We don’t know, but things change, and those that can accept the changes go along those that can’t accommodate vast change will be at sea in a tempest.

It’s all very murky on how this all works or doesn’t, but I think it is suffice to say we are living through extraordinary times.

Our Who Dat Nation

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Yoga today was a wonderful way to pull away from the torture that bringing back at my desk 24/7 has wrecked on body and mind. We sang Soham mantra, which Michele said is basically I’m Dat, an answer to Who Dat?

A group of friends who are incredibly inventive about Mardi Gras costumes every year have decided to go as the Real Wives of the Who Dat Nation while other friends are doing the dead celebrity gig.

You know who we will be – Dorothy, Lion, and Tinman – with props for the Scarecrow. The Who Dat of Oz.

Rainy days

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

The Norwegian weather continues here in our normal sunny LaLa land. The Muses parade was cancelled and I hear that the schools in St. Tammany are closed tomorrow. There sit two blue wigs and a little boy who needed to see a lit up shoe float as well as the gorgeous butterflies that are Muses’ signature. Alas, rain rain go away.

In the meantime, we puddle along between our desire to cocoon inside just the family and our need to continue this awesome celebration that started with the Superbowl win.

Hell is freezing over

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

I was speaking to people in China this morning who are welcoming in the year of the Tiger – characteristics of a person born in the year of the Tiger are meticulous about appearance and very powerful. I’m a tiger or at least my maiden name Namer means tiger in English but actually I’m a boar in the Chinese zodiac.

Next I spoke to someone in Dallas, they had to cancel call because it’s snowing there.

Right now we are far from meticulously dressed as it is about to snow here. That’s right, they’re talking about canceling Muses because of the snow. It’s snowing in Dallas and New Orleans?

WTF is all I have to say? Snow in the Gulf South? Superbowl champs? Mitch Landrieu our mayor? Is all this possible?

I taught myself how to grow old

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

I was talking to someone recently who had been on a tear, partying and partying, and as I listened I felt happy that I’ve descended into my detox tea during the week and picked back up my exercise practice. I was born with abundant energy that is usually quelled by either expending it or by pacifying it with the drug of choice from sucking my thumb as a youngster, to eating, drinking, dancing, smoking, anything that would calm the jets.

But you know what, I ain’t as swift as I used to be. Getting through a day of work and juggling Tin and spending downtime is exhausting and I need my sleep to muster the energy to do it all again the next day. So I’ve been trying to incorporate things that give back to me and my energy – like reading, or walking with Loca, or taking a moment to just stare into space (something that 50 year olds do a lot, I think).

Clean bill of health

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Yeah Tin’s ear infection is gone so now we can start Swim Babies!

The overstimulated boy(s)

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

We’re trying to take breaks in between big events – like Superbowl to Mardi Gras parades and play dates because Tin does get overstimulated and then has difficulty with his nap schedule. So we did not go to the Saints parade last night but we watched it on television and were so proud of our city and of our team – world champs! (T keeps wondering why they are “world” champs since this is the Superbowl in the U.S.A., but hell, we’re world champs according to us.)

We listened to the interviews and chuckled at the entire family who made it out at 2:30 for the parade that started at 5:30 and was late (of course) but who had set up a mega grill and working chicken necks, pork chops and hot dogs for the kids, and the older ladies from Ireland who by some roundabout way became Saints fans and came here just for this celebration, and then our precious 23 year old field goal kicker who got off his float a little tipsy but still eloquent who when asked what he thought about all this said, “I’m just 23 years old.”

The city came out to celebrate in grand style and gave the Saints a welcome home and victory parade that only they deserve. Amen boys. Listen to Darren Sharper in this clip, “We not gonna stop.” Ha – the spirit of New Orleans.

Blessings not sheep

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Last night, after the excitement was cooling down somewhat and Tin was able to get back on sleep routine, I made myself a cup of tea while I peeled the roasted beets and Tatjana gave us our Turkish lesson. The message on the tea bag said, “Instead of counting sheep to sleep, count your blessings and then sleep.”

So at bedtime, I did just that, I went to sleep counting my blessings but was awakened at midnight and then at 2 by the alarm going off because a wind storm had swept through New Orleans and the screen porch door was being thrown open and closed triggering the alarm.

Today, dark circles on eyes but I’m counting my blessings.

Superbowl high not fading to grey, still black and gold

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

We are having a two week long celebration for the Saints here in New Orleans – who dat! – my neighbors who live on St. John Court, which is a cul de sac off the bayou that has cottages and mostly young families were landlocked with kids so they put up a big screen television and the whole court put on their own Superbowl party – got to love it. This is so New Orleans.

Meanwhile, there is the issue with destiny and what Drew Brees said after the game and now people are feeling like indeed it is destiny – this was the 44th Superbowl, the Saints left the field with 44 seconds left to play, it was 4 years and 4 months since Katrina, Obama is the 44th president, and 4 plus 4 equals 8 which is infinity which equals a saint, which equals destiny.

I don’t know – I just know it has been a grand old time winning the Superbowl and watching the Saints life this city out of the doldrums and giving us something to believe in.

What a day to remember

Monday, February 8th, 2010

Even though it was a typical Monday and work was running ramshod on my emotional joie de vivre from the game, what a day indeed. This is a day to remember and a day to cherish – I’ll take New Orleans in good and bad times, but yesterday and today were the best of times. Superbowl champs – yes indeed.