Sunday, August 23rd, 2009I woke in Caminha, at the Ambassador’s house, with the window opened to the misty cool air of the sea and hydrangeas and ginger crowding in the open window. I had a nightmare. A man with a long sword had chopped off my mother’s feet and I ran to attack him, and flung my mother over my shoulder and looked for her bloody feet. She had been dancing in the streets with the peasants, drinking and hiking up her skirt. I had her body over my shoulder and ran through the crowd yelling CALL AN AMBULANCE when Tatjana woke me and held me in her arms and said, it’s only a dream.
Tatjana rolled over and went back to sleep and I lay there in the groggy haze of dawn and thought to myself, I might be done with my blog because what am I writing now anyway? The denouement of my mother’s life? And when we get a baby, or if we get a baby, will I write about the baby growing up and all the joy and travails s/he brings? I can’t be completely open about my fears and insecurities and angers when it comes to friends, old loves, my job. How many ways could I write about what it means to know New Orleans? And now with the first flush of young love moving towards love love is there anything that is not boring to a reader about the pleasure of having morning tea with Tatjana while we plan our day, or that my favorite thing is to lay next to her at night and feel loved and safe and saved?
What purpose is there to share any of the mechanics and rituals of a woman’s life? Why am I writing at all?