Today, it’s been a week of annoyances with things – plumbers for T, a new battery for my cellphone, a new camera to replace my FAVORITE camera that I dropped and broke on Sunday, escrow re-evaluations that caused me to pull over in my truck and cry, and mom having her 1900000th nervous breakdown and as I sat in traffic waiting for the light to change after leaving the Verizon store, I saw an official street sign on the telephone pole on the corner, which read:
Glass containers
Open flame cooking
Silly String
Ladders in the street
Roping off areas
My mind was lost in thought about a myriad of items – things broken, expensive things, work things – but I finally turned to see what this sign was all about and noticed at the bottom it was a parade sign – still up from Mardi Gras. You gotta love it – Mardi Gras – how romantic to meet your love during a day of absolute abandon and craziness.