Archive for September, 2007

Hail, hail the gangs all here

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

At Swirl last night, it was old home evening – with everyone who has been gone for summer back – I couldn’t make it to the next person for seeing another person I wanted to stop and catch up with and by the time it was over, I was ready for bed. Moosey looked so tired and said he was off to Spain for a rest. His brother, M, has moved from DC and taken over a few of the restaurants – he said he loves New Orleans and didn’t like DC. Someone asked, when we spoke of Turkey, how these Turkish people could live here and leave their country, and we all agreed New Orleans was very special and unique in America and the world.

Re-entry at last

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

I got up at 5 this morning and by almost 6:00 was out the door to walk the dogs and it was pitch black outside. As I came to the Magnolia Bridge the Cabrini bells began to clang their six o’clock calling – I thought of the Muslim call to prayer – and felt that in my own little world these bells were our call to remember – the soul. Summer is ending, I feel it in the change of the weather, in the change of light, and in knowing that Tuesday after Labor Day, work will be a freight train towards the end of the year. I have miles to go before I rest, but I am ready.