Happy New Year!
Wednesday, August 30th, 2006G called on her way to Angola to say Happy New Year – I was tied up – I took C to the Home Depot to get materials and came back and K still wasn’t at the house. C’s worker S was undoing the entire framing for the shower that K had built earlier. In the other bathroom, he is stripping out the sheetrock that has been taped and floated because Hardee Board needs to go there instead – didn’t I say this two months ago? V was looking for K because he needed the fascia board now so that he could roof the addition – he was about to leave when I called S and K and said what up? SO now they are all up on the roof and after writing an $8520 check I had to come home so I can go to the podiatrist since my foot that I injured at the Madonna concert is killing me. Or is the LaLa that is killing me? Something is really making me go OUCH!