PoBoy Fest NOT!

Yesterday went so swimmingly, we decided we’d try to head out to PoBoy Fest today to hear some more live music and eat a poboy and enjoy the last of this good weather, even if it did get a little chillier today. Heading out the door already proved ominous when Tin refused to budge unless he had his sunglasses though it wasn’t sunny outside.


We got to Oak Street and instantly scored a great parking place and Tin immediately ran to the first stage and was dead center right up front and although we were having fun and dancing, even I couldn’t take the loud thumping music that close so extricating him was like pulling teeth and we headed down the street trying to find a friend who had texted us. The crowds were growing thick even at the start and before you know it one little tantrum turned into another as suddenly he was starving as the three eggs, two pieces of toasts, one mango, one container of yogurt, were simply not enough for him. So we stopped and held up a wall and fed him brisket and french bread and our friend found us.


And within minutes of greeting, we all knew the best thing to do was to go as far away from the PoBoy Festival as we could possibly get, so we headed to the little playground and the boys ran around and slid down the slide and were swinging their blues away.


This is not a criticism of PoBoy Fest – it looked like a real good time, but I think there is a period in your toddler’s life where grass and swings and slides work way better than crowds and live music and concrete.

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