In the company of Giants
Tin was born blocks away from where Michael Jackson was born, and now lives blocks away from Louis Armstrong was born. I have to say I’m fond of both musicians.
Today, instead of saving the toy trumpet for a Hanukkah gift, we gave it to him and you’d have thought we handed him gold. He has not let this go all day long and he keeps saying trumpet trumpet trumpet and improvising the notes when he can’t get his small mouth to blow hard enough to make noise. He’s got the act down too, as he has been practicing in front of the mirror with his flute or drumstick for weeks now.
Here’s to our budding musician, may he live in a world that does not relegate world class musicians to a hand to mouth existence while blowhards are paid millions to espouse hatred and incite fear (read: the person who I will not mention – starts with an S).