Wild and wacky days on the bayou
So today is 10-10-10 and according to someone I met today, it is a transformative date – interesting, because the day started with me making French toast and watching this woman doing a headstand on her kayak go by on the bayou:
As we ate our tasty breakfast, Blekica climbed into the money tree and started to shake, rattle and roll:
And then T and I quickly divided and conquered. T took the dogs around and in the bayou and I took T2 on a bike ride through City Park where a Breast Cancer walk called SAVE THE TATA’S was in full swing. We came back and showered and then jumped in the car and drove over to the Magazine Street festival and arrived just as Gal Holiday & the Honky Tonk Revue took the stage at 11:30 – we danced and had a nice ice cold beer while Tin drooled his teeth out. Then it was home and I was off once again to my acro yoga Sunday class – woo hoo!
Aaron says that doing acro yoga is sort of like playing with Ginsu knives – dangerous in other words, but today I was able to hold a man up on the balls of my feet and a woman by her arms and later I had an almost 200 pound man lie back on me while we simultaneously supported two different people doing handstands on us. Yes, this is a very unusual form of yoga but it is AWESOME.
Again he said we are compelled to go to his class for a reason and I’d have to say that it didn’t take 10-10-10 for me to have a transformation, mine came when I realized that the world was an overwhelming place to be when the focus was work, mortgage, retirement, savings and debt and it is far more enjoyable to stay as whacked out as you can and enjoy life – if that means acro yoga – then whatyagonnado?