Equilibrium and disequilibrium
The author of the kids books I’m reading, Your Two Year Old: Terrible or Tender speaks about how the child grows up with through these half years, the first half of two is actually tender, it’s the second half that is terrible. The titles are great, Your Three Year Old: Friend or Enemy, Your Four Year Old: Wild and Wonderful, etc. I’m almost convinced that this equilibrium and disequilibrium continues into old age.
The first half of my 50s I was so rocked by how awesome it was to be 50 and the second half was like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. My book, Your Fifty Year Old: Awesome and Gruesome. The fact of the matter is sometimes I feel whipsawed between equilibrium and disequilibrium and I have learned the pattern, in the midst of extreme joy – STAY AS LONG AS YOU CAN – because this too shall pass. Naturally the same thing happens on the dark side too, it passes.