Who dat!
Who dat! Notice it is not a question mark anymore, it has become a declarative – Who dat! As the season opens tomorrow night with more hoopla that you could imagine in this city and this city has put on some hoopla, I’m sort of mixed about the whole thing. First, I was sort of unaware the season was starting tomorrow until clients, colleagues and sources started asking me if I was excited. Then I was very surprised when I saw Jackson Square converted into this giant outdoor arena. And the parade, well, forgetabout it. Restaurants are closed tomorrow so their staff can watch the game – are you starting to get a sense of what is happening here?
Am I excited? I feel like if the Saints did nothing else in their history they have done right by me and this city and I guess my expectations are sort of muted. Am I excited the season is starting – yes, I am, but do I want to get near to having a heart attack like I did in 2006/7 then again in 2009/10, no.