A cleansing

My computer has started to run slow and I think it is just filled up with too many bytes of stuff. My mind has begun to run slow and I think it too is filled up with a lot of this and that. A friend is undergoing a long cleansing and she says she is already feeling more energetic here at day 8. I know that I’m on my way to Los Angeles and I was hoping to arrive after a nice cleansing rain to get the smog out of the atmosphere.

I think my phone went kaput because it had an overload of data and it needed a cleansing and never got one so it pooped out, so to speak.

I think that the accumulation of data, for me anyway, is just starting to make me run slower instead of faster – I have too much information in my head, I have too much information coming at me, I have too much information I need to know, should know, would if I could know, and so I see if anything to be running around in the same place, thereby creating a rut, thereby creating a place where you could drown yourself in an inch of water.

Recipe: a cleansing.

But when?

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