Rachel Dangermond Recovery

I must admit that I have had little need for outside noise – a day’s work and time with Tin is all my muddled brain can afford these days. Loca didn’t get her walk this morning and was psycho by the time we got out this afternoon making me almost psycho. She hopped the entire way around the bayou. A woman called to me pushing a stroller, “I feel your pain.” She yelled over that she had a dog who was identical. The ubiquitous Midcity black lab mix – the ones that go down first at the kill shelter we call the LSPCA.

I read an article about how having children isn’t what it’s cracked up to be and that most women say they don’t want children. Interesting. I have to admit that after 50 years and perhaps the last twenty wanting one, I can’t believe that anything else in this life would possibly come close to being a mother.


A friend wrote me when I was trying to adopt that I was giving into hope in this world to take on the job of being a parent. And I’d say that it is all about perspective. When you watch a little boy who hasn’t napped rattle his head and cry when an air particle hits him, you realize how fragile we all are at times in our life, and how nice it is to know that when we are vulnerable, someone has our back.

But more wonderous than that is the knowledge that every thing I do with him matters. Unlike a lot of things we do in life. And I have to say if you have that sort of charge in life, and therein that perspective, how could you tell me that having a child with all its drawbacks isn’t the most rewarding experience of your life?

I received an email, spam of course, that had Rachel Dangermond Recovery in the subject line, when I was deleting it, I saw that it was all about refinancing my house on 10 West Street in San Rafael – the death knell that I heard in that house sounds no more – I rose like a Phoenix.

One Response to “Rachel Dangermond Recovery”

  1. Cassie Says:

    well said.

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