Living without fear
The great what if’s – what if you woke this morning and sleepily said to the world that you were not afraid – not afraid to fail, not afraid to go broke, not afraid to embarrass yourself, not afraid to die?
I was thinking about this as I had my tea – way too strong tea for my caffeine insensitivity, but I decided to just go with it.
Last night flying in on the plane – we stayed at a consistent turbulent level – enough so that you could never really relax. I thought about how that is what living in New Orleans is like – you could fix your garden, you could paint your house, you could even optimistically put in a pool but the truth is a hurricane could come on June 1st and wash it all away.
So we can never really let down our guard in New Orleans.
But neither should other people in other cities although they are lulled into thinking they can.
So what if life is about dealing with fear and uncertainty and that’s the norm and complacency is a droning we need to be slapped out of and what if it is true that the meaning of life is not to be comfortable but rather to live it?
Today, the rain has stopped in New York and it is going to be in the upper 50s – woo hoo – time to step out into the world and take a big bite out of the big apple and hope there are no razor blades hidden beneath the juicy flesh.