The dogs of Buffa’s
I think I’d like to write a photo book – the coffee table kind. I was going to do one about people who got tattoo’s because of Katrina, but now I think I want to do one on the dogs of Buffa’s. Everytime we go to Buffa’s it’s a new dog there. Last night it was Linda. We sat at a table to split a burger and Linda sat at the table next to us and her owners were dead set on showing us how she likes to jump through hoops that they make with their arms but that was only after they ordered her her toast, which she also loves.
We thought of mom and how she said when we see dogs that would be her showing herself to us. Well Linda was most certainly my mother incarnate. She sat there in all her glory, eating her toast, and occasionally jumping through hoops to satisfy the whims of the two men who own her.