Why read fiction?

I worked on a book project for a guy one time who asked me why waste time reading fiction and I told him because you learn about life through fiction. Nothing could have been truer than just putting down the first in the Stieg Larsson trilogy, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, I realized that there are fucked up families everywhere. Thank god! Because I was starting to think it was just mine.

At first I was not getting into the book, I’m not a huge mystery lover, but then it grabbed me and once it had me, I was staying up late trying to finish.

But after I read the horrors of how this one family being investigated had Nazi sympathizers, serial killers, rapist, child molesters and incest galore – it made me feel all warm and fuzzy that I just have a few criminals, personality disorders, autocrats, alcoholics, and OCD topped with ADD issues going on among my clan.

There is something heartening about knowing it could be worse.

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