Sent from down below, Mother in law
The late Ernie K Doe wrote the song of all songs, Mother in Law, forever sealing the stereotype in sound. I was having lunch with a friend and she asked how things were going with my mother in law in the house and I said, actually this is the easiest mother in law I’ve known and the reason is there is no competition for the beloved son.
My friend went on to tell me how her mother in law has her husband’s baby teeth, lock of hair, and all of his precious baby moments tattooed to her forehead and reminds her of their special relationship on a daily basis. NO ONE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER BABY. I said, don’t I know it, I was married to Jesus Christ or at least that is what his parents called him; he was like the second coming. But that was only one of three husbands.
I was speaking about this subject to another friend and she said chock up one more good thing about being a lesbian – you don’t have to compete with the mother.
I think about this often because actually I’d love to have a son but I worry about the overbearing mother-son relationship that insinuates itself into the adult son’s relationships. Why do mothers not let go of their sons? Isn’t it silly to compete with your son’s wife? Like my friend said at lunch, there is no competition, he left you and is living with me.