Are ya happy? Cull the list

There is a great article in the NYT about happiness – not the article itself which is just saying that Pew did a study on happiness and the results of their survey are not surprising – friends and financial security make you happy. The best part of the article are actually the readers’ comments. One of my favorite is the following because it is what I have done, refresh and renew and reward those friends who are good for me, and I recall what Rick Reynolds, a comedian, said one time, he said every year he goes through his list of friends and cuts out anyone who has been annoying:

I would argue that it is not the act of spending time with people that makes you happy, it is the act of spending time with happy, accepting people that makes you happy. Ditch the people in your lives that are judgmental, show no sincere happiness for your personal achievements, and generally lack any good will toward others. You’ll be happier for it.

If you can’t access the article it is under the New York Times’ Health section,

June 30, 2009, 6:50 AM

What Makes Us Happy


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