Stuck on the balcony

The addition to the LaLa is a screen porch with a balcony or terrace on top. The screen porch is almost like a room – not having treated wood columns but actually wall panels that have cypress siding etc. Bud told Steve and me to order this composite decking material that is waterproof because it has tongue and groove and you can run a bead of silica in between. The manufacturer says it is not waterproof. Nobody in the city is familiar with it except Bud.

That doesn’t keep everyone from being an expert. The roofer says he would do the torch down and let that be the floor because then it wouldn’t be compromised.

For additional info on what this looks like the terrace slopes away from the house and has two wide scuppers at the end.

The options presenting themselves are these: Twickler – the roofer – suggests using torch down, then put the composite decking boards, locked together with silica in between the tongue and grroove and then screwed in steppers so there is air space between the torch down and the deck

Ken says put the rubber roof down, then the decking with the steppers. And he goes over and over how the steppers should be placed – I say run in line with the composite boards and he thinks it should be herringboned or what?

Why is a terrace causing so much confusion – why is it that I have four expert opininons and none of them “know” if this is the right way but they all assume their position is the best way?

Should I bag the decking and the torch down and the rubber roof and see about concrete or tile or something other than this mind job?

Twickler wants $1200 for the torch down – Ken wants $1200 for the rubber roof to be laid down – I paid already at Bud and Steve’s recommend almost $2500 for the composite decking – is there something about this house that requires me to pay five times what the cost should be and suffer five times the aggravation and still not get to what I really want?

Okay anyone with an opinion about the terrace needs to pipe up because this is a conundrum.

3 Responses to “Stuck on the balcony”

  1. Stephanie Twickler Meegan Says:


    My family name is Twickler. I noticed several mentions in your blog of a branch (distant) that lives in New Orleans. We have been trying to locate them since Katrina. My brother Bruce had been in contact with a woman in the New Orleans branch a few years ago when they were both doing geneological reserach.

    We are from the Ohio Twicklers & our immediate family e.g., our parents, George & Eleanor Twicker age 88 & 87 yrs old, and my brothers – Bruce & Eric Twickler, & my family all live north of Boston, MA.

    We didn’t know if the Twicklers are in current New Orleans phone books… your blog leads me to believe that at least some are in the area & involved in rebuilding New Orleans. Any info appreciated.

    Stephanie Twickler Meegan

    My brother can be reached at

  2. Rachel Says:

    Hi – Raymond Twickler is a roofer and sheet metal guy here in New Orleans –
    his phone number is 891.4517. He’s absolutely a wonderful man and during
    this rebuilding process a good person to know as he is great at what he

    Hope this is some relation to you.

  3. Rachel Says:

    Rachel, thank you so much for confirming that Raymond is alive & welll.
    Cheryl Twickler is the person my brother had swapped family data with & I
    found that she ran a summer camp program this past summer – so she’s OK,

    Blessings on you and your family this holiday season!


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