The Thin Lipped Smile

I went to Martin’s uptown to get G some eau de vie – that’s her favorite after dinner drink – well everytime she asks for it, no one knows what she is talking about so I did some research and turns out eau de vie is simply a clear distilled liquor and here we know it by Pear Williams, Cassis or Kirsch. But the equivalent is Grappa in Italy. Anyway, I asked Martin’s when they are going to re-open their store uptown with food service (they are in a new location on Magazine). They are waiting till after this hurricane season and then will begin work and plan to reopen late 2007.

This is day 2 of K being back on the job and so far I’ve been doing the run around – Day 1 he called to say he couldn’t find the special Canadian screws I bought per Bud’s recommendation. After searching high and low here at the Can and in Big Blue, I went to the LaLa and found it sitting right on the shelf. “Oh I didn’t see it. Hey, do you like my shirt?” – his shirt says “Sure I can drop what I am doing and take care of YOUR problem” – I said ha ha, very funny (thin lips).

Day 2 “you need to come over I can’t get in touch with Steve and we have a problem” – problem is the special ordered door that swings out is about an inch and almost a half shorter than the ones that swing in – so we put the door in Blue – I went to Lowes – I got someone to help me get it out and then went in and stood in line and exchanged it – then went back to special order the right one and was told that outswinging doors are shorter than inswinging doors. “No, really?” – I verified with the manager and another contractor I stopped in the aisle and then went back and repurchased the door. Someone helped me strap it again to Blue. I drove it back to the LaLa. Inside K told me that he called his friend in Michigan who didn’t know that either. Smile, thin lips.

K came back from Michigan with N, his youngest, who has decided he doesn’t want to work for his dad, but he does want to live in New Orleans. He brought another son, S, who will be starting at Tulane in a week – my my, nice strapping boy – he calls me Ms. Rachel – isn’t that cute?

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