Be There or Be Square
This from the senior editors of = What we do believe is that New Orleans is, more than ever, the craziest place in North America.
Last night G and I went to the Ogden and got caught up in the New Orleans sentimentality that was on display via Fred LaBlanc – if you are not familiar with the song he wrote after Katrina – The Avenue – you should check it out on Itunes. By midway during the song, G and I, arms around each other, had tears running down our face. A came over and joined us. The emotions are running high as we get closer to the August 29th date. About 40 of us are convening on the footbridge with hot food, cold cocktails and guitars to commemorate Katrina.
Met with C, the tile setter at a fabulous house on First and Camp Street and he definitely passes muster, but scheduling is going to be tricky. Oh well, just hope for the best. S’s sons have been over at the house puttying the nail holes and priming. K comes back on Monday. Don’t know where Vic and his boys are.
Rode my bike uptown to Salvation and ran into T – he’s teaching only private classes but we’re going to go have a cocktail next week. L called and wants me to come over for a little party this weekend, and D and I are meeting for lunch. Abby is doing better now that they figured out what is wrong with her, but the J-man is not adjusting well – his little world changed forever. I brought them some red beans and L kept looking at me curiously, asking what’s up with me, why do I look like I’m glowing – and I said I’m just really happy right now.
I sent out a note to everyone about August 29th’s commemoration – and got some really heartfelt emails back – again I say I am lucky to live in this city and be surrounded by the friends I have known, have just met, and the ones I’ve yet to meet. What is it about the New Orleans air that makes everyone stripped of at least two to five layers of shields – I love it – I’m a fish in water here in this city.