There are no free lunches
When you’re ship comes in, will you be ready? I got head hunted for a $1 million a year job this week – and while it was flattering, it made me take a good look at where I am.
In a discussion about matters of life, T said if she were offered 20% more salary but it meant 20% less time with me, she wouldn’t take it. I said I wonder if most successful men (and women) would say the same. When you put your career first, ahead of love, ahead of having children, ahead of friends and good times, are you happier? More successful? Do people just “go for it” knee jerk because they think they are supposed to, even if they don’t want to?
Pick a part a million dollar offer – will this improve the quality of your life right now? Will it give you more time with your loved ones? Will it save the world?
The answer my darling readers is a resounding no (in case you were questioning it). Everything weighs in. Come on, don’t you know the old adage, no one on their death bed regrets not having spent more time at work.
I can’t say I would have reacted this way twenty years ago, and maybe that is the best part of age, but I readily admit today a million dollar offer holds no sway over my happiness and that is a good sign.
A real good sign that something, nay, many things, are working for me.