No more evacuations – I’m getting a generator
We’re all talking about getting a generator – that’s another business you might want to consider given this change in our weather system. But my take is this, the ducks, the geese, the herons, the swans did not panic, did not leave, so they know.
Before Katrina the animals started leaving in droves. I’m going to pay more attention to nature and less to CNN and stay put here in my house if a storm comes again. Yes, I know all about fucking Ike and the fact that we are in the “cone of uncertainty” as all weather people like to call it. But you know what, our parents stayed for storms, and they lost power, and they dealt with it.
Four people died evacuating the route we took, and others died from dehydration as well as a host of ailments. I’d rather take my chances in my own house. I’m following the birds this time – if they go, we’ll go.