Rachel’s Rules of Order
Today is the first day of the rest of the week – right? – Zen Masters of the Obvious – caught up to L this morning with the dogs and rounded the bend to the BSF running by and N and Renny soon made their way to us – we had one more good laugh about the Moss Man being schizophrenic – L not quite getting why we both get so tickled over this – and then N noticed that Muggs is open – or not – but another ZMOTO where she proclaimed it’s a shame Muggs is not ambiating. More giggles.
Returned to some work and dashed off to Metairie for a massage that my body craved.
But the deeper she worked her fingertips into me the more I realized my body was a mess and all the insides are still all messed up and I just lay there and weeped through the whole hour and a half of her touching me from head to toe front and back. Afterwards, I ran to the bathroom and was sick. I think it was a holistic purge – mental, spiritual, mindful, soulful, the heart, my kidneys, my brains, my eyes, my mouth, my ears, every piece of me had something that needed to be expunged.
I long for a time when all of me will be healed in total. I cling to the notion there will come a time.
Met up with A after work and showed her the LaLa and we talked about conduct unbecoming a gentleman among other things and she filled me in more on the details of a dilemma she is currently facing and I implored her to run, ney to shut it down, because the pain is formidable and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. But it all boils down to this – a lot of confusion comes from not getting what you need then accepting what you need from someone who is not authorized to give it. There are Roger’s Rules of Order and now there are Rachel’s Rules of Order.
Rachel’s Rules:
Touching is only welcome if it is – and you know if it is – anything else is groping and unattractive.
You cannot need too much (an E-ism) but don’t accept what you need from someone whose intentions are not 100% honorable.
Train people how to treat you – if you allow yourself to be a beast of burden you will surely be braying come sundown.
Live large and cast a wide net so your life is filled with interesting people, places and phenomena.
Open your heart wider than it wants to go – 99 out of 100 times it is worth the risk. (Rachel Roulette).
Proceed with love BUT do not do the emotional heavy lifting for anyone but yourself.
Trust your instincts – the most underrated and underused tool you have at your disposal is your gut.
Today may be the first day of the rest of the week but it was a day of purging while the rest of the week will be filling back up with all things goody – a celebration tomorrow eve on the footbridge for my birthday, Marcia Ball on the Square on Wed, joint birthday celebration lunch with N on Thursday, possible dinner at Brigtsen’s Thursday night, Friday fest, Sat fest and party, Sun fest and party for N’s bday as she is attending a funeral on her birthday, Monday S – in from SF – and I go to belated bday lunch.
At this point in time, right here in New Orleans, we’re living in the most interesting city in the US, possibly the world, and I am four days short of my first year anniversary back – hurricane season is 30 days away from starting – the LaLa remains so unfinished it is absurd – the promise of yesterday is having to be altered in midstream – but the promise of tomorrow holds vast and greater possibilities.